Cash Flow First: Use This Reminder Bracelet

Cash Flow First: Use This Reminder Bracelet

Cash Flow First: Use This Reminder Bracelet We forget the most important things. We get busy. There are meetings and emails and phone calls. There are constant distractions that take our attention away from the most important things. In business, the most important...
Lessons From Profit First

Lessons From Profit First

“Profit must be baked into your business. Every day, every transaction, every moment. Profit is not an event. Profit is a habit.” – Mike Michalowicz, Profit First Recently, I read the book Profit First by Mike Michalowicz, and learned a couple things...
How to Help Managers Own Their Budget

How to Help Managers Own Their Budget

“We must consult our means rather than our wishes.” -George Washington One of the best ways to get managers to ‘own their budget’ is to involve them in creating it. This approach takes time, patience, and training. And it can yield...
Beer Wholesaler Cascading KPIs

Beer Wholesaler Cascading KPIs

One best practice for using key performance indicators (KPIs) is to choose a top-level company goal, and then support that goal with departmental level key metrics. Identify and measure the most important number in your business Identify and measure the key drivers of...