Lease vs Buy Spreadsheet Tool

Does it makes more sense to Lease or Buy trucks for your beer business?

It depends on your fleet size, the type of trucks you run, and your appetite and ability to maintain the trucks.

It depends on your ability to negotiate good lease terms or your ability to come up with a down payment on the purchase of a truck. It depends on how long you plan on using the truck, and how many miles you intend to drive.

The Lease vs Buy decision depends on a number of factors.

To help you make the decision, I’ve put together the Lease vs Buy Spreadsheet Tool.

This spreadsheet pulls together the important financial considerations in a Lease vs Buy decision. Variable costs, fixed costs, annual maintenance expenses, and other data points are analyzed so that you can make the best financial decision for your business.

Download the spreadsheet tool, and run the numbers. The Lease vs Buy decision is a big one. Choose wisely.

Yours in Using Numbers to Make Decisions,


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