Wholesalers: How to Use Focus Months to Transform Financial Results

“The difference between the greats and the legends is their ability to focus for longer periods of time.” – Jordan Burroughs

Focus months are an effective way to take a big challenge (improving financial results) and break it down into smaller, monthly chunks.

For example, in January focus on operating expense reduction. In February, focus on inventory control and reduction of finished product loss.  And March, focus on improving gross profit.

Here’s the 3-step process to create focus months in your beer business:

  1. Make a list of the top financial priorities for the year
  2. Assign ONE item to each month as the primary area of focus
  3. Brainstorm specific action steps for each monthly focus item

This approach helps to ensure you are focused on the right things that will make a material difference in your bottom line.

To be clear, the list above defines your primary focus for each month, not the exclusive focus.

Regular work still needs to be done, but the monthly focus keeps your eye on the top priorities.

Do this next:

  1. Download the Focus Months template
  2. Learn more about our financial education programs for beer wholesalers




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