In a couple of weeks I will be out in San Diego at the NBWA convention giving a presentation on beer wholesaler mergers and acquisitions.
I will be joined by Orman Anderson, CFO from Glazer’s Beer and Beverage, and RJ Martucci, a partner with PKF O’Connor Davies.
The title of our talk is A Practical Guide to Beer Wholesaler Mergers and Acquisitions.
Our presentation will cover four key issues –
- Target identification: Selling or buying, who are you valuable to, and who is valuable to you
- Due diligence: Research, homework, what you need to do
- Valuations and models: Current market, quantitative and qualitative measurements
- Post acquisition: What happens after the deal is done, and how to combine the right way
If this topic is of interest to you, we’d love to see you there. Our session kicks off at 8am on Monday, September 30th.
If you have questions on this topic, email me, and we’ll be sure to get you answers.
Yours in wholesaler M&A,
P.S. If you’ll be at NBWA in San Diego and would like a free 30 minute consultation with me, book a time on my calendar.