by admin | Jun 15, 2018 | Distributor Operations, Newsletters, Newsletters, Resources, Resources, What's New
Distribution Agreements: Best Practices “Thoroughly read all your contracts. I really mean thoroughly.” -Bret Michaels It used to be that beer distributors could dictate the terms of the supplier contract. Those days are long gone. Ten years ago, breweries...
by admin | Jun 15, 2018 | Financial Training, Newsletters, Newsletters, Profitability, Resources, Resources
3 Keys to Speed up AR Collections “The world needs another vehicle to get people to pay in cash.” -Suze Orman Distributors work hard to grow sales. You fight for more shelf space, an additional facing in the cooler, and another display in the store....
by admin | Jun 15, 2018 | Newsletters, Newsletters, Profitability, Resources, Resources, Sales Growth
Tel Sell Best Practices: How Exactly to Grow Sales “The best practice is to follow the advice posted on every railroad crossing: Stop, look and listen.” -Sam Keen In the last article we looked at how to use a Tel Sell Program to increase sales and selling...
by admin | Jun 15, 2018 | Newsletters, Newsletters, Newsletters, Profitability, Resources, Resources, Resources, Sales Growth, What's New
How to Sell More with a Tel Sell Program “American business has just forgotten the importance of selling.” Barry Goldwater Tel sell, or telephone sales, can be a great way to increase sales and selling efficiency in your distributorship. Simply put, tel sell is...
by admin | Jun 15, 2018 | Distributor Operations, Newsletters, Resources
Productivity Metrics for Night Loaders “Fast is fine but accuracy is everything.” -Xenophon Pickers, loaders, night loaders, selectors…They go by many names. These are the folks in your warehouse who pick the bottles, cases and kegs for delivery to the...